
Wastewater Treatment Technology Tutorial


Earthpace has developed this tutorial to guide users through the wastewater treatment process and to introduce users to current and emerging technologies for wastewater management.

Begin the tutorial by reading the introduction or by clicking on one of the blue titles in the image below to learn more about each wastewater treatment method. You may also use the links to the right to navigate.

wastewater treatment diagram

Wastewater treatment refers to the process of removing pollutants from water previously employed for industrial, agricultural, or municipal uses. The techniques used to remove the pollutants present in wastewater can be broken into biological, chemical, physical, and energetic. These different techniques are applied through the many stages of wastewater treatment.

Primary treatment usually includes the removal of large solids from the wastewater via physical settling or filtration. The first step in primary treatment is screening.

Secondary treatment typically removes the smaller solids and particles remaining in the wastewater through fine filtration aided by the use of membranes or through the use of microbes, which utilize organics as an energy source. Energetic techniques may also be employed in tandem with biological techniques in the secondary phase to break up the size of particles thus increasing their surface area and rate of consumption by the microbes present. A common first step in the secondary treatment process is to send the waste to an aeration tank.

Tertiary treatment involves the disinfection of the wastewater through chemical or energetic means. Increasing the number of steps in a wastewater treatment process may insure higher quality of effluent; however employing additional technologies may incur increased costs of construction, operation, and maintenance.

8 thoughts on “Tutorial Pengolahan Limbah Cair

  1. Ping-balik: industrial waste water treatment systems | Bookmarks URL

  2. Pak Suwarji.. saya juga pernah merekomendasikan technologi lain yang berkaitan dengan water treatment, khususnya untuk water clarifier.
    Proposal tsb saya ajukan untuk Amerada HESS, salah satu oil company di Jawa Timur.
    Jika Pak Suwarji tertarik untuk share bisa lewat Japri…

    Matur nuwun

    Tanggapan :
    Trim’s mas, saya tertarik dengan proposal njenengan. Nanti sewaktu-waktu saya pingin sharing dengan mas Aris.

  3. Ping-balik: chemical industrial treatment waste water | Bookmarks URL

  4. Pak Suwarji, di UGM ambil S2 kimia spesialist untuk apa Pak..?
    Kebetulan tempat kerja saya juga di bidang chemical..

    Tanggapan :
    Kami ambil Magister System Engeenering mas dengan spesialis Pengolahan Limbah Perkotaan. Tolong ya mas nanti saya dibantu jika mengalami kesulitan-kesulitan. Mas Aris Munandar bekerja di bidang spesialis apa dan di mana?
    Lalu bagaimana dengan proposal yang pernah mas kirimkan itu, berhasil di terima?
    Bolehkah saya dikirimi contoh proposal tersebut?Trims atas kerja samanya.

  5. Ping-balik: Suwarjie’s Site

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